Taman Inbound Hub Blog

3 Key Benefits of CRM Powered Marketing

Written by Lučka Sinčič | Dec 28, 2021 2:06:21 PM

We get it - you’re already using marketing automation tools to personalise the customer experience and to make your day a bit easier by automating monotonous and repetitive marketing activities. You’re using different apps to monitor the success of your paid ad campaigns, to post organic posts on social media, and to send out e-mail marketing campaigns.

Level up your marketing efforts by using a CRM

A CRM is usually understood as primarily a sales tool, that captures data about customers and organisations’ interactions with potential or existing customers and stores them in one place. This data includes everything from someone’s first visit to your website and activity on the website to the exact time they opened your sales proposal and even how long they looked at it. 

HubSpot is a bit different because it brings together marketing, service, and sales in one CRM system and represents a true single source of truth. CRM systems, such as HubSpot, in combination with a marketing automation tool, will enable your teams to:

  • generate more qualified leads;
  • offer better visibility to marketing and sales teams;
  • shorten the sales process;
  • provide consistent messaging;
  • unify your data management;
  • improve the customer relationship;
  • enhance pipeline management;
  • develop cross-department relationships;

3 key benefits CRM powered marketing will bring you

There are 3 key benefits marketing activities, powered by a CRM, will bring to your business: 

  • The customer experience you provide will be smoother. 

Customer experience has become the centre of everything in the past few years. If you want to provide an amazing customer experience that will keep customers from going to your competition, you need to put your customer at the centre of your activities. 

Because when you do that everything connects which allows for a better and seamless customer experience. Marketing attracts and feeds into sales, sales engages and feeds into service, and service delights and feeds back into marketing. This can only happen when the customer is at the centre and managed by a CRM. 

  • More successful e-mail marketing campaigns. 

Personalisation is one of the key elements of a great customer experience and it’s also an important part of successful e-mail marketing. With the help of a CRM, you can go beyond just first or last name personalisation. You can segment your contacts into lists based on CRM data such as location, page interactions, and more. You can also level up your personalisation game so that each recipient receives updates and information relevant specifically to them. You can also adapt your CTAs to send the contacts on different landing pages based on the data you got from the CRM.

  • Better performance of your paid campaigns. 

Customer data you get with the CRM helps you create high-performing audiences at scale because the first-person data, that your CRM provides you, allows you to target hyper-specific groups of people and to create relevant ads for any audience at any point in the buyer’s journey. 

By creating and promoting highly targeted ads, your customers won’t be surprised or frustrated when they see them on their feed. The ad won’t feel promotional and gimmicky but familiar and helpful because the customers have already interacted with similar content on your website and in e-mails.


Connect marketing and CRM with HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot’s Marketing Hub will allow you to leverage your CRM data and create a hyper-personalised and seamless customer experience that will delight your customers and prospects. It unifies all your marketing tools and data on one easy-to-use platform that allows you to automate your marketing activities and increase efficiency. In addition, you’ll be able to save valuable time and at the same time get all the context you need to provide a hyper-personalised experience that attracts and converts the right customers.

HubSpot Marketing Hub enables you to: 

  • quickly and easily create landing pages, forms, and CTAs according to your personas;
  • track contacts;
  • automate communication with your target groups; 
  • create custom reports that provide quick insight (number of newly acquired contacts, visits to your website, and other statistics that are important to you).

It also allows you to control your social media advertising campaigns, manage your social media networks, and create and publish posts on your blog.

Book a meeting with us. 

And we will help you get the most out of HubSpot’s CRM system that will get you ahead of your competition.